Our aim is to be adistinct company in the local market, to assume a leading position in medicalfield, and to be trustworthy for our customers.
Our message is toprovide high quality and unique medical products and services. We give the greatestattention to human resources, health, safety, environmental issues, andcustomers' satisfaction.
Basic Values:
We are committed by aset of values as a compass directing the work of the company to ensure itsarrival to the desired goals, where the company does the following:
- Considering that the customer isthe foundation on which the company is built, therefore we serve our customerswith great attention, try to understand them, and make good and strong workrelationship with them.
- We are committed to the highestvalues in our dealing with companies, patients, employees, and health careproviders.
- Act with integrity, and thehighest ethical standards.
- Strict adherence to theimplementation of the highest standards of quality
- We believe in giving leadershipskills their right roles in order to keep them growing, with the aim of makinga positive impact on our customers.
- We have an obsession that thedaily behavior of the company is subject to strict accountability and isconsistent with the interest of our customers.
- We realize the power of teamwork,so we cooperate with each other in all levels to achieve success.
- We respect our responsibilitytowards the society.
The company in a few lines:
Jasmine Damascena isa multi-activity company seeking development and expansion based on medicalproducts. It focuses initially on existing products and looking for otherproducts in the near future.
The company iscommitted to provide high level services, high quality products. It cares aboutthe satisfaction of its customers entirely, and it deeply cares about its humanresources.
There are greatefforts within the family of the company, made by both of management and staff,in order to reach the best performance through:
following up competitors,global developments, and modern trends in the field, moreover, permanent training,consistent communication with customers, and sincere consideration of theirsuggestions.